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Baltimore hospital weight loss clinics -

21-12-2016 à 20:43:00
Baltimore hospital weight loss clinics
Needless to say, this was not what she wanted to here, but I got her into the car and off we went. Since the last post she has tried several diffrent types of chemo at the CTCA. The carboplatin I have had before, 17 years ago, but the taxol is new and it can cause an allergic reaction within the 1st 15 minutes of getting it if a person were to have one, so they have to watch me for the 1st 15 minutes once they give it to me. Was in Intensive Care for 3-4 days and finally put into a regular room on the surgery floor where I was given a cot and able to sleep and be with her at all times. The first six cycles of chemotherapy shown a 100% cure but the disease re-appeared and grown up very fast. I went to another gynecologist, who did my surgery, and said things look good. We are very close and this is devastating. My mom started her chemotherapy shortly after her debalking and got through her first treatment with a breeze. I never forget, it was my birthday, Feb 14th, and when I arrived to visit her, she acknowledged my birthday and wished me happy birthday. The good news was that the GYN oncologist thought she had gotten all of the cancer, but it had spread from the pelvic area into my abdomen. I lost my mother as I was celebrating my 13th birthday with my sister for her 10th birthday. My mom would be leaving her home for the last time. He told me I was not to go out shopping or even go home for that matter he wanted me to go straight to the ER. B: I once read that ovarian is the most complicated cancer, so I figure that I (and the rest of us) must be really special. I was tired but I thought it was because of me being old. My name is Marissa, 47, married with a 15 year old daughter. It was determined the leak was coming from my bathroom. Three weeks after this she began having complications with the peg tube. I had been having a twinging pain in my right side for nearly 18 months. After responding so well to the treatments and her numbers going down, the doctor she was seeing at the time decided she would let her rest for awhile. she gave her notice for her part time job as our church choir director and went through the summer. ) which is why it often diagnosed too late to be cured. In desperation I changed doctors and was immediately sent to a consultant and within four weeks had an operation to remove the much enlarged uterus, my ovaries, and a tumor. When I was on chemotherapy, I might just sleep over some days because during those days I was too sick to eat or get up. -- If I had symptoms they were very vague. I mention to my doctor that my stomach seemed to be getting larger. I am taking Avastin on the Clinical Trial, but my CA-125 is up to 430. I work hard to keep my stress level down. mass. They found a cyst on my left ovary, which concerned them because it was large. Some of my story was accidentally left out, so here goes: After returning from Forida at the end of April, I went to my Pcp for a laxative since I had returned bloated and constipated. They did a pet scan last week and there is a big tumor which is impacting her colon and several in her chest where they do not expect to see re-occurrence of ovarian cancer. After having a diagnosis of ovarian cancer - does anyone take Premarin - if so, how is it working for you. By the 21st of July I had 6 OBGYN appointments, 4 MRIs, cat scans hundreds of needles stuck in me and CAT scans. She got very sick from the chemo and was given a 30% chance survival rate. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. It is possible that the CA number will be the same or lower, but my onc and I feel that we need to be prepared. She went to the doctors for her hands in December 2007 and they told her to take ibuprofren. Biking. Last summer at Hopkins I had surgery to remove 2 ft of my right colon due to stage 1 colon cancer. I continued to ignore it and just hoped it would go away. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer at the age of 41. My mother was diagnosed with the same disease at exactly the same age. This has been over a year ago now. He agreed with my 1st oncologist that I did not look sick and do not have any symptons. As the nurse called out our last name my father and I headed for the discussion area to speak with her ob. She tried very hard to break this news to me gently but no matter what she said, or how she said it, took me by surprise. This of all my challenges was the worst of all. Even the doctors and nurses said I was different from the average patient. His face told the story of a man who was about to give us the worse news ever. A year after my chemotherapy I took up qigong. In August 2003, the second surgery was performed by a gynecology oncologist, followed by 6 rounds of chemotherapy. Please if you have any question I am more than glad to answer them. Lea Ann lost a 7 month head start on fighting her cancer due to bad doctoring. I screamed. My mother had been having adominal pain for sometime, along with the fact that it was difficult for her to sleep and eat. But the decease re-appeared again and this time with metastasis stage. Asthma. Within a week, I could barely walk since my lungs filled up with fluid. They had to give me another blood transfusion and a platelet transfusion and an iron transfusion as well as shots to build my blood levels. They had to give me another blood transfusion and a platelet transfusion and an iron transfusion as well as shots to build my blood levels. She does not believe it to be cancer because the CA-125 test came back negative. Did her debulking and chemo treatments until she died at age 64. God bless. I was hospitalized in March 04 with a severe infection. The exhaustion towards the last half was the hardest thing for me. She is 49 years old and has been through chemotherapy once in 1995 for breast cancer. They told us it was time for Hospice to get involved. We called and never got her so we sent a friend who found her unable to walk,focus her eyes or speak clearly all of this in a matter of 2 weeks. Can anyone offer some insight is this something we should be worried about as we are. My doctor said that one a scale of 1-10, I was a 12. They had high hopes for her prognosis and I was thrilled to hear them say that. I was then a candidate for a robotic surgery where a surgeon can see everything in 3D so he could scan all my organs. The weight of the mass was creating too much pain to bear even when I laid down. She has spent the last 20 plus years of her life working in the ministry. I can remember being so upset that something was happening to me, also, and was afraid to tell my father. My parents live in Atlanta and there were prayer chains from Georgia to Alaska. For those with cancer, there comes a time where you may need to be cared for- let your family help. I also have been having bad headaches. He thought it was probably endometriosis and suggested waiting a few months and watching it. She has a relapse again in April 2004 she had a relapse and underwent three cycles of chemo consisting cisplatin and gemcitibine. In July 2009 my father was diagnosed with brain cancer. Lea Ann was so weak and the cancer so aggressive the doctor thought no more could be done. Around that time, I also noticed pain in my right thigh. Marshall. I had 6 months of the sisplatin and taxol chemo. Of course I was very ill after each session and my hair went very fast. Everything more or less started from there, a week later I had an appointment with Radiology, blood test (CA-125), and a couple of days later I had an appointment to see the Gynaecologist. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. One in particular taught her a poem about death. I was not good at seeing doctors routinely and just put it all out of my mind. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. Rescan is showing that the fluid from around my lung is gone and the lymph node and all other tumors have shrunk. Even my oncologist was shocked when the pathology came back (it was sent out to Johns Hopkins) as stage 3 micro papillary serous carcinoma. When she was 41 she had started having pains in her lower side. At the very least, research and find a cancer specialist in your area who you can trust. The lab in the hospital says that it is cancer and thoracic surgeon tells me this when he visits after surgery. My mother was diagnosed with ENDOMETROID CARCINOMA GRADE 111-C. I did not see any reason to anymore, I was cancer free. My tumor marker continued to drop, 37, then to 26. it was rebound pain, like I had felt before, when I had my appendix out a few years ago. I feel that I do not want to give up on the medications. Bad idea. You will be surprised at what you can do. We tried different Chinese herbalists and Chinese meditation (Qigong), but the disease was progressing. We went for it and they ended up doing a complete hysterectomy and found cancer cells on the inside of her ovary. Never seeming to find the time to go see my doctor. In June, my son had an emegency appendicitis. Today is the 7 day post chemo, havent felt too bad, still early days yet. Her lapel usually was accented with a teal colored ribbon. May my mom rest in peace, I love her and miss her with all my heart. Pneumonia. J. Now my back started to hurt and that was also attributed to my weight gain. and he had a fluid sample taken. I had been taking care of my mother for 12 years. This all began in little bits from May - June. That was a daily amount of food she would eat. 9 they say. So he was sheduled for surgery in Richmond. Come near enough sometimes, to touch my hand. A gut wrenching illness just flows through every ounce of your being. I would like to thank you for reading and say God bless to you and your family if you or a loved one is suffering. I was told the tumor was cancerous but had not spread so no treatment was given. My mom and the rest of the family were grieving the loss of my grandfather and were busy arranging the memorial service. It turns out he will not do the pelvic mass because it is right next to an artery and he does not want to take the chance of puncturing it. I really wanted to not take anymore, but pain has a way of helping you change directions. I tell you this story with tears in my eyes. No one in my family is or probably ever will be. Fluid came back. Everything about our lives seemed to be prefect I believed in fairy tales then. I had two ports put in and did taxol in top and carbo in bottom straight to peritoneum for 6 treatments. I remember watching her as she spoke to him and the second when she received the news that her cancer had appeared in other areas. Advice to all keep away, he is the most uncaring doctor I have ever met. Suspecting it was a urinary infection, I debated whether to go to my family doctor or my gynecologist. I had debulking surgery June 27th and the fluid came back Stage III. 625mg and also use the Premarin vaginal creme. She also told me there was too much disease to do surgery. My mom lost so much weight, and most of her strength, but not her faith and trust in Christ Jesus. Her CA125 tests was high and they scheduled a surgery to explore what was going on. A nurse PA had done my yearly physical July 2007 and dismissed my suggestion of a colonoscopy because I had one two years previously. So I was really scared about the scan, and really debated on whether to have it or not. I went on with my life and then gave up going to the dr. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. I recommend all women to be screened for this devastating cancer. I realize not my chapter in life no one could ever take. My mother is diabetic and proper nutrition was and still is a challenge for her. The third and the sixth chemo sessions really kicked my butt. The dr. This does not only affect the person with the disease but family members as well. , to control my irregular bleeding. I asked what does that really mean and they say it just means there was a lot of activity. I am on carboplatin and taxol, and since my body is responding so well she plans to keep me on it for three more rounds, and then to a CT scan and see if secondary surgery will be needed. Three weeks in NYU and then three weeks in hospice. On the following day, I visited my doctor. My oncologist said it is my sense of humor that saves me. I was shocked when they told me my Mom had Ovarian cancer and it had spread to the abdominal cavity, lymph nodes, small bowel and colon. But the doctors told me that I am at 2c and that it is curable. I was told it was an endometriod adenocarcinoma. She was put through all the tests and it showed ovarian cancer. I am 30 but feel like a lost little girl. That doctor only ran blood tests and did not examine her. Now this cyst had been growing in me for more than a year. I have not been diagnosed as having any kind of cancer, yet the first GYN ontological surgeon I visited recommended a total hysterectomy, even though my CA-125 score was 7. My CA 125 went from 427 to 6. He said that God gave me two healthy children to take care of and it was my responsibility to be there for them. My daughter sent me this site in the hope of helping someone out there that has possibly gone through something similar. I was praising God, as I know from reading over and over. Odds given to me were poor but I needed to survive and Ovarian Cancer and I butted heads. We followed treatment with second look surgery and then once a month, for three months, IP chemo. My onocolgist, a brilliant woman, was kind and compassionate. It is her body and I must respect her feelings and her choice. I received the call at 1am, Mom was sick and wanted to go to the ER. I did well and my CA -125 went from 400 to 50 in two treatments, then down to single digits (where it still is). After her surgery she had been really skinny and she started chemo a month after. God has been good to me and this cancer business was not all bad it has taught me lots of things about life and myself. We cannot thank God enough for ALL those who have prayed, supported, encouraged, and embraced my family in this last year. He was loud, mean and rude in my face and threw me an ibuprofen, down right scary. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. If anyone has had similiar stories I really want to hear about them. Boils from one hole to to other down there to the extent of a doctor drawing a picture of it. The good news is that I had my 3 year anniversary on 14th of July and I am still in remission. At this point I was spouting out every question that came to mind and Dr. My mom is a mother of two girls and 7 grandchildren. After that hospitalization it was rounds of chemo, surgery, and rounds of chemo. There is much I have never had time to appreciate, now I can. On February 7th, I was diagnosed with stage 2b grade 3 ovarian cancer. we think now it may have been undetected cancer instead of the problem that they diagnosed her as having (a blocked artery of only 60%). but I have learned to be patient and do what I can and rest when I need to rest. The doctor relieved my pain with two injections of dilaudid (but i barfed all over the drug store). When I got home my son put me on an alkaline diet. I saw her pillow out of place and went to check on her and realized she had passed. May 29 of 2012: I woke up wheezing and had problems breathing and could not get in to see my family dr. Man oh man. Over the past 1. She ensured me that worry was a waste of time, that all things work out. Lea Ann was referred to an oncologist at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. yeah, ahead of the pack and recent discoveries of its merit. salpingoopherectoy if my ovaries looked bad. My doctor said that on a scale of 1-10, I was a 12. After that we are regularly monitoring her CA-125 value. Dr. I needed to being doing something right now. On my 28th birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my third child. I did 3 months of treatment, 3 months of home school, and 3 months of missing anything going on at school. He went over all the life expectanty stuff that my husband was asking and then we got down to treatment. Because she was in bed for four weeks with no movement whatsoever, she had to undergo physical therapy while in bed which was very painful as she was experiencing horrible muscle pain. In July of 2007, I started having these really bad stomach pains in both sides in the lower half of my stomach. She would have to wait for six weeks or more before she could do chemo again. I feel all of us affected by this bastard disease have a cosmic kinship of some sort. She called me her cheerleader. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. My oncologist told me yesterday that the only thing they advise survivors to take is calcium with Vitamin D. my father and I took turns spending the night at the hospital with her and someone was always at her side. My surgery was scheduled for 2 weeks later, on Sept 8, 2004. She was quite swollen and bloated looking and the amount of pain she was in was increasing greatly. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. It is like being on the side of a rock, you need to listen to your body, look around and make the move, feel your body getting there and not stop to question why you are on the rock to begin with. And so for me there is no sting to death. She only got the chance to receive the stint and removal of the tube and one more round of chemo before they found her in our hometown that she had a staph infection from improper cleaning of the port before administration of meds in the local ER. One month later I went to see a oncologist-gyn. I thought she would give up. My four brothers, father and myself were still under the impression that it was still contained to the one ovary and that during surgery it would be removed and all would be downhill from there. As well she has had to undergo surgery to have catheters placed in both her lungs to drain fluid, the cancer has spread to there causing pleural effusions. When I was 18 I came down with what I thought was the worst flu of my life. The only choices were watch and wait or get a lapriscopy remove the blurry ovary and possibly a full hysterectomy. they are so special. While doing Doxil my mom became very dehydrated and nauseated. I had debulking surgery (9 days in hosp. I had these injections every month, for six months. Her mother had ovarian cancer and she expired at the age of 55 some five years back. He said he had removed the shrunken tumors and taken out my appendix but when he got to the pelvis he discovered live cancer on my bowel. At the age of 39, and after many routine tests, we found out the cancer had come back, but this time to her liver. My dear daughter and I have a bond that I could never explain to anyone. After a few months of letting my body get back to normal, I was able to conceive again. I feel knowledge is power against this beast. Now that you know a little bit about the happy times of my life, let me tell you about the sadder years. I had an abdominal debulking and adhesions removed from my small bowels. My neighbors son was gunned down at the age of 25. Click here for Part Two Click here for Part Three. My tumor markers dropped to 17, they are now at 4. While awaiting the appointment for the second opinion she was seen in the Emergency Room three times in one weekend. On October 15, 2007 we received the news that she would not be able to handle any type of chemo treatment and that she could go home or to a hospice. It was January 5, 2007 when my brother and I went to the emergency room and I spent about 12 to 14 hours there with my brother, my cousin Rose and her husband. Plus she is the type of person who feels like she was a burden on us. My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer in February 2006. Unfortunately this was in January, the doctor told her he would not go any further until she switch her insurance and did not give her any further information or results. My faith in God and my many prayers is what got me throughout the next several months. Women do not ignore your pain or dismiss your symptoms. I just went to the doctor yesterday February 10,2010. She explained that my mass was over 16 centimeters wide and she was 99% sure it was malignant. She had told me she lost 20 lbs and was tiny to begin with. I reluctantly left and was back in the morning. I am not at all athletic or specially strong. He then went back to Williamsburg, Va. The left side throbs about 4 times as bad as the right. In my mind, I knew it was a matter of time to spend with mom. Love the Family and Friends of One of the Happiest Angels in Heaven. If my mother could undergo chemo, who was I to be a weakling. The radiation treatment had a good effect but I can only have so much radiation without that killing me. I was official, On March 10th,2009 I was informed that the tumor that had been found was indeed cancerous. Training for a physical event is the opposite of being a patient and it felt fantastic. She is now on her 3rd treatment of chemo (doctor said it is only being given to her as a preventative) of 6 and is taking it like a champ. I sat there in the dark holding her hand and one of the patients in the room called me over. I was living a typical 16 year olds life, when my mother broke the news that she had Ovarian Cancer, I along with my sisters and step dad were shocked and as you can imagine devastated. When I woke up the Cancer Doctor was there and explained that I had stage 3 ovarian cancer. a piece, and took out four inches of my intestines that the mass had laid on, and had damaged, plus they took out my appendices. A week later no report so I went in to see them and finally a report came back to the GP. To her comfort though, she was among some of the same doctors which performed her kidney transplant. Daily she was praying for the answer to her problem. On June 12, 2006 at 10:10 p. I spend my time spoiling all my nieces and nephews. In June, we went home for good to our home country, the Philippines. They are going to give her 6 chemo treatments first (one every three weeks), then check the tumor(s) and then if necessary debulk or resume 6 more treatments. He comforted her and told her to go with them if they wanted her to go. I left and dropped my mom off at home but my husband met me by the door and told me that I needed to go the emergeny room for they found blood clots in my lungs. His appendix had ruptured and their was only the outside core of it left. But her sister, my aunt, told her they would face it head on and do all they could. I have made it to six years with no recurrance, which seems to me like a miracle. They now know that she is resistant to all but two types of chemo. Taxol and Carboplatin again but this time once a week for three weeks and then one week off, for six months. I knew my hair would fall out, so I shaved my head prior to my 1st treatment because it made me feel like I was more in control. I made an appointment to see him last week. I shared this information with my genetic counselor. Can anyone share a Doxil success story - and perhaps what to expect on Doxil. I had a gut feeling it was worse than it appeared so I sought an opinion of a surgeon, who found another swollen lymph node under my arm. It only got worse but she thought it was due to the metal plates in her back. So I went home Friday, and promptly had my husband running to the store for Tums or anything that would help. It took me three days to accept the facts and three seconds to know I could do nothing about it but God could, so I have left it in His hands ever since and am still here in March 2013. Know these early warning signs of Ovarian Cancer. Summer 2006, I experienced symptoms of gastrointestinal stuff throughout the summer. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. I am now 25, and a mother of a toddler and still feel that 8 year old girl coming out in me. I appreciate the way she fought the disease for almost two years. I did that and they thought it was a cyst on my ovaiary or diviticulitis. I was told I would need chemo and would lose my hair. Finally in May 2008 she was sent to a arthritis specialist who gave her a lung x-ray because he suspected a deadly auto-immune disease that turns your body to stone. high and high school the boys would all stare at her with awe. He said we could do nothing and see what happens or we could start treatment. Went camping in JUNE. During and still to this day, I take immune builders, recieve accupuncture to improve my immune system. But at the beginning of the week I had an appointment with the oncologist. She underwent numerous tests, and after they aspirated fluid from her abdomen the test came back. We set up her hospital bed right in the living room next to a large picture window at her request. I was admitted to the hospital that evening. I thanked her, explained everything that had happened in the previous week, and assured her it was just heartburn. We were told that it is the strongest Chemo they had for her. She would encourage others at her chemo sessions and be the cheerleader. At that time what I was told that it a low malignant ovarian cancer, it was considered to be a new cell type and with surgery I was cured. I would drive myself to my chemo treatments. She was diagnosed in October 2002. They were both necessary to repair the hernia and clear the bowel obstruction. She introduced me to my surgeon, my brilliant Mr. She did lwn work, papered and painted her walls etc. I started experiencing indigestion and gas and I was popping Tums and over-the-counter gas medications like crazy. After the 4th chemo her CA125 back to normal range and no tumor or ascites was detected by ultrasound. Within four days I was home and healing just fine. Believe me as scarry as these test sound their not so bad. That may seem mean, but I did not want to wait another minute. Congestive Heart Failure. He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. I first want to say how glad I am that I found this website. Mid-November 2006. My surgeon has told me that I need to lose 100 pounds and keep it off in order for the hernia repair to actually work. I have been cancer free for 16 months now, have my hair back, still working and have wonderful children, family and friends surrounding me. The chemo was not working. blogspot. It is specially rewarding if it is also a fundraiser for cancer research. By the grace of God, my Mom is blessed with 2 awesome sisters. He started having pain in his upper right side. The moral of this story is. I still tire easily and can catch a cold at the drop of a hat but in time this will pass. k. When that cover smashed to the ground, I instantly felt a thick, thick coating over my teeth, the inside of my mouth, my tongue my chest, stomach and an absolute throbbing pain in the lower right and left part of my stomach. In the mean time she was not to talk to him but to us. Mom told me she did not want me to worrry. And that was the last time I had to have it tapped. I am very afraid of what the reults will be. I just want a proper test and diagnosis, treatment would be nice also. I also developed back pain. I acquired loss of hearing from the chemo. When I was diagnosed I had a CA125 level of 2750. It has been almost five months now and I have to tell you that I learned more about how to live from her death than anything else. I do have a fear that the cancer will return. Totally. The doctor reviewed all her symptoms and told her something was wrong and MS was not causing most of her trouble. Well like I said before, BAM the words that would change my life forever. Within minutes of her death, a heavy snow (her favorite) began to fall, covering the earth in a silent white blanket. I have been told I can start taking Tamoxifen. November 21, 2012: I had my 8th treatment the other day and am now here for my rescan. My surgery was July 19, 1999 and chemo ran Aug. it would be greatfully received and MUCH appreciated. I know today, that decision plays a big part in my being here. they would do a few rounds, and the CA 125 Marker would go down then back up. One approach is to take everything out to prevent having to operate again in the future. We thought all we had left to do was deal with an extreme handicap the cancer was no longer a problem. She had cancer cells in the lining of her lungs which had spread from her abdomen, primarily her ovaries. We are seeking opinions regarding removal of the right ovary and tube. There were tumors in both ovaries, on my abdominal wall, one in my liver, on on my spine, and a bunch in my Omentum. The fluid around my lungs contained ovarian cancer cells and a Cat Scan revealed suspicious spots on my kidney and a lymph node in my chest. did a CA-125 every 3 weeks and during that time it went up a little bit 2 times but went down little by little every other time. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. His thought was my body just went whacky and BC pills would fix it. Oncology use TAXOL AND CARBOPLATIN for her chemotheraphy. During May 2005, I noticed abdomonal bloating and had severe abdominal discomfort. The cancer had just spread too far, too fast. She woke up one morning with chest pains and was rushed to the ER. I had many tests and they kept me from wednesday-Friday. Come to find out my mri said I had an L-5 herniated disk but I did not do anything that could have hurt my back. My cancer was Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (left salpingo-oophorectomy), weighed 10lbs. He went back to the ER and they gave him another diagnosis and sent him home again with another medication to take. Everyone thought that was so weird, but it calmed me down tremendously. She thought it might have just been a stomach bug. After 18th cycle of chemotherapy between 23 Sep 07 to 25 Sep 07, she died on 01 Oct 07. The doctor asked me if I wanted the good news first or the bad news. After I arrived they started prepping me for surgery. By the way, you should know that many people have to suffer because of the cutbacks on things. The colostomy reversal also went fine and for the first time in nine months she feels great and has no scheduled surgeries or treatments in the near future. Trust between ovarian cancer Women and Caregivers is: Hope with More. I had almost no symptoms except for some occassional bloating and gas starting around September 2004. This is a success story up to this point and I am pressing on gratefully. At the age of 34 she had a complete hysterectomy, with 8 harsh treatments of chemo to follow. I had 7. I was admitted to the hospital for preparation for surgery on May 19, 2003. I have a husband (really supportive), a son who is home from University for 3 months and the rest of my family is wonderful and supportive also (mum, dad, sisters, brothers etc). I just want to say to everyone who is dealing with this or any other type of cancer. After four years, I had my first pregnancy. I wonder if this month of delay made any kind of difference. The first evening there I thought my camping skills were rusty and I had pitched my tent in a bad spot. Her actual passing was beautiful, special, and supernatural. It showed 3 cysts, 2 lime size cysts on right side and a lemon size cyst on the left. I called Memorial Sloan Kettering to get some input I could trust. My message to others: Enjoy each day as if it was your last. Being a 35 year old mom of two boys is wonderful considering there is always something that has to be done. Reading most of these stories made me feel like mine had already been written by every one else. It was very hard to watch my mom go through the suffering. I saw her pillow out of place and went to check on her and realized she had passed. Having recently moved within 1 mile of a gym and going through a divorce, I was eager to start climbing more regularly and make new friends. I am now 13 and living with my dad we both have some really though times but we both no we have the strongest angle watching over us everyday and sometimes we have to do the right thing. So now, I am healing again and my energy is coming back. When I was nine years old I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The nurse said I could have a urinary tract infection. I screamed. We surprised the school big time when I came back. The night before she died everyone left one by one to get home, get the kids to bed and get some sleep. After starting it, she only got sicker and it seemed that the chemo was only contributing to that instead of making her better. Just when you really start feeling good, then you have to start the chemo. Pathology confirmed, it was a burst left ovary. The hospital was so different from anything we had hoped for. Then I knew there was a more serious problem. R. It was then a couple hours later that Dr. We live in a rural area, so I located the nearest Cancer Center of Excellence, which happened to be Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At the age of 49 Mary Jane Carper was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer. I sat in the chair drinking my tea while my husband got ready for bed. it is the scariest thing to be waiting for the actual surgery to be over, and so much anxiety about cancer. She sat me in her small, white, very cold office to give me the news. Colonoscopy, endoscope, you name it, I had it (with the notable exception of a CA125, transvaginal ultrasound or CAT scan. I am 17 years old and a junior in high school and I am very active. The doctor came back in and told me I had ovarian cancer. The tech agreed the mass looked like a dermoid measuring 8cm. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on July 11, 2007. My surgeon ordered an ultrasound after a suspicious pelvic exam. Intestinal obstruction underwent surgery on thursday, June 1st. I am 39, and 3 weeks post surgery, and am so thankful all of you have posted your stories. Why are doctors allow to blow us off without any type of tests when we go to them for help. We would take her to the emergency room where they would tell her the x-ray showed a small bowel obstruction. However, there was another mass that they were unable to get due to the location and that we would need to begin chemo after healing from the surgery, to shrink the mass. She is the strongest woman I know and very old school as far as taking medications. She has gone out and about almost every day of her treatment minus 3 or 4 due to her body aching. The pain was becoming unbearable and in the night I thought of going to the Emergency but my daughter was sleeping so I convinced myself that it would pass. He explained that my tumor markers were above 1900 with the normal range between 0-30. This is our past and this is our current reality. Pathology a bit scary. Noah Goldman is now practicing at Beth Isreal in Manhattan. I am writing this on Thursday, Aug 4th, 3 days in from her first chemo session. They decided to not perform the surgery because the cancer had spread aggresively to her arms, her lymph nodes. So I mentioned that I had problems with my bowel, like if I was shopping and felt pain, I had to always run for the nearest bathroom. She lived for a few more hours in the hospital then passed away. They would admit her then the regular doctors would come and to say the bowel obstruction was open. The next day, just a half hour into surgery, I got a call from the OR nurse saying the laproscopic look revealed that continuing with surgery was a solid choice. I was admitted to the hospital that evening. Wondering why on earth I agreed to stop taking bc pills - the problems began nearly a month after I stopped taking them (to see if I really was premenopausal). In August 2002 when I was 35 years old I was diagnosed with stage 1C ovarian cancer. A man wouldnt think twice if his penis didnt feel right to get to the bottom of his problem but most women consider being passive a feminine response to their problems. She was admitted into the local hospital again and received a peg tube for decompression. I always come back to this website I want survival stories from all you brave, courageous and inspiring women. For those of you like me who were young when you were diagnosed and may not be able to have children of your own because of it, just focus on the fact that you are still here and take one day at a time. When I got home my son put me on an alkaline diet. and he reiterated the same thing and said we would continue with the last 2 treatments as I can only have 8 of this combination. I will get treatments every 3 weeks and after the 3rd one he will rescan and see if there is any change and if not will try new medicine. I had 2 ultrasounds because my doctor was stuck on me being a big candidate for gallbladder trouble. In June of 2008 I was back feeling well and enjoying life. They would do chemo for 6 months and re-open her abdomen. I found out I had a problem from the technicians and then confirmed it with the doctor. I am here today folks because I know God has a purpose for me to be here. She claimed it was uterine fibroids which she has known about for years. She was admitted to E. But each session, I got up and got nicely dressed. In Nov 2007 Mom had to be hospitalized with severe abdominal pain. Mom did not enjoy losing her hair, but she wore her many hats with flair. She tried to cross herself and seemed to relax. Here in Canada, we are not tested for stachybotrys mold in our bodies - so all fungal tests for me come back negative. After her stroke, the docs told her she had recovered very well and was doing good. Just saw my ongologist 2 months ago and my CA-125 was 5. He diagnosed her as Ovarian Cancer stage 3-4. Seek strength from others and appreciate life one day at a time. And my darling husband is an angel of caring. After getting out of the hospital and recovering from the ordeal she had been through, she began her chemotherapy again and received a clean bill of health at the beginning of January. I know this because I had to leave a Rascal Flatts concert early due to some pretty severe pains I was having during the show. I was lucked out I guess, my nauses was kept to a minimum with steroids although I mostly ate salads. He also had me repeat lab work including a CA125 and a CEA. I was told after having a CT Scan that I probably had either Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma or Ovarian cancer due to large amounts of fluid in the abdominal area. My tall, athletic, beautiful mother lost more weight than I would have thought possible and she never regained the ability to eat normal meals. My mother is the fighter I hope to one day be. You know how it is when you find a dr. I underwent surgery and found that my cancer was contained inside a cyst. She had not had a pap-smear in ages or even a physical. 1999 to Thanksgiving 1999. Her doctor said that surgery was not an option for her. And when they had done my lung surgery they found gangrene in left shoulder so thought maybe just left over pain. On Oct 3, 2006, I had to have hernia surgery, and while they were fixing that, Dr Pippitt took samples and sent them off to see if there was any cancer. I will also have a granddaughter in about two weeks. But there were more surprises in store for me. My brother said she did not even know who he was- she was so out of it on drugs etc. P. I cared and I was so scared, but the amount of pain I was in was over-riding those fears. I would also like to send hope, faith and love to all the families out there struggling with this overwhelming disease. The doctor came in got my history and told me they were going to do a ct scan. Then got in to see surgeon on Friday, surgeon asked why I was there, I advised ER told me to get surgeon I knew them so called. I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equipments and friends. He spoke to his commanding officers and they let him know to try to get letters written stating my exact condition because when Red Cross called the nurses station at the hospital, the nurse has stated that I was in stable condition but I was watched every hour because my vitals were bad. We called and had all of her records sent to them. She sent me to have a virtual colonoscopy, and when the results came back it said I was OK, on reading the results I felt there was something wrong as they mentioned a tubal ligation and I had never had one. Jan 2009, trying to decide next step. On Nov 2nd I had them check my CA125 to see what was happening without chemo and my numbers had risen 91 points to 271. She is having a great deal of problems with the colostomy which the surgeon said can be reversed after the chemo. It leaked to the carpet for about 9 months until the ceiling started falling down. I had stage 3 ovarian cancer that had spread to my small intestines. She was officially diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1 month before she passed ( which was september 2 2006)She was admitted to E. My CA-125 was On May 20th I was sitting and I took an unnatural double breath. They did not order any tests, told me it was probably constipation (because I had not gone during the three days), or possibly a ruptured cyst. My oncologist and surgeon removed my omentum, both ovaries and fallopian tubes. In March 2008 my mother age 64 began losing weight and her hands were swelled. Her periods stopped in March and by May she had lost almost 50 pounds. The start date is usually day 10 like clockwork but can fluctuate. When he did he immediately sent me to the hospital and performed a right side oophorectomy that evening. This move may have saved me the pain of enduring more surgeries and may even save my life. During all seven cycles, she was administered Mitotex (280mg) and carboplatin (600mg) drugs. She reassured me that everything will be all right and that there was no fluid in there and that was good. The EMT team came took me to the hospital. Then one day I went back to my GP with a different complaint, my right breast was red and inflamed and within a week it had doubled in size. I then had 6 weeks of radiation treatment and CA 125 went down to 14. At that point he told us to get a colonoscopy since she was all ready prepped for surgery. By July my count was going up and in October finally had more chemo. I have also just had my three monthly clinic appointment this week and was informed by my oncologist that my tumor markers were down to seven. I had my down days - but usually not more than 3 days per cycle. She had surgery a couple of days later and rounds of chemo which made her extremely sick and weak and was not doing any justice. Lives were changed by the grace, compassion, and love displayed by Elder Marshall. The doctor stated that her uterus wall had fallen and he need to pull it up. I was released after being in the hospital for 10 days. In the meantime, I was getting the fluid right back in no time and finally, the group of physicians diagnosed that I had ovarian cancer. I have to see a geno in 2 weeks and book a laparascopy. Hope is a wonderful thing to hang on to but when the realities of cancer come crashing down, hope is ripped away and replaced with fear and anxiety. and I always woke up with my whole back slightly aching. You seriously never knew that she was ever in pain. After this it was difficult to understand what she was saying. I asked him to send another report to my GP and he said yes. as she had during her treatment. Then I did round one of chemo was to have surgery when my md decided to do IP chemo before. She is such a caregiver,so it was hard for her to be the one in need. He told me not to say anything to her at all. Something I thought was wrong as it wasnt from the diet. At that point, she never had a bowel movement again. Once it neared the end of that round. The Lord used the people of God to provide round the clock care for Elder Marshall. I am a survivor and God-willing intend to stay that way. It had not spread to the outside of the ovary yet. For some reason, one that I cannot explain, I continued to have a bad feeling about what was happening. This brought a little alarm but was not earthshattering. She felt good that day, laughed and enjoyed the day. Stage IIIc Grade 3 Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma, sometimes referred to as Extra-ovarian cancer. Tuesday I had an angiogram and Wednesday had cardiac catheterization to install 3 stents in my heart due to blocked arteries. Now I have been in remmission for 10 months and now I have a scare as my CA125 has gone up from 12 to 320 and i have some symptoms, constipation, blotted stomach and pain. My mom died on October 25, 2007 at home with her family. At the same time, my youngest daughter (one of twins) needed leg and spinal surgery. Within the week a blood test and the analysis of the fluid pulled from my lungs indicated cancer. She was worried and I became very nervous. You showed me in my dreams my lord and this is what you have showed. When I got to the local country hospital I broke down and cried when handed a large bottle of drink to take before the CT scan. At one stage she even spent time in a phsychiatric facility, heavily drugged up. she did not know why she was doing it. So surgery was put off. We need more research done, better testing, earlier testing. He hit a spot that gave me severe pelvic pain. I was so frustrated that I had decided not to go back to see any doctor. you like even if you have only seen him 1 time before. She worked full time in a sewing factory kept house for herself and our aging mother. I would hate to sit on this for another year, only to lose my entire reproductive system and my life too. Last summer, I suddenly had a new horrible pain in my lumbar spine that came around the time I was ovulating (the first time the pain only lasted a week). We assumed that she had probably over done it with some drilling into ceramic tile in the bathroom. I have my whole life ahead of me. A gastrointerologist removed the fluid from my belly and diagnosed ovca. During the entire cancer process, mom was alert but mom did not eat one bit of food from day one until she died. Mom slipped away in the early morning on December 22. The cancer was a level 3c and that they had given her a colostophy bag cause of two small tumors on her colon that they were trying to avoid anything irritating. My wonderful mother and best friend: Barbara 1934-2007. , but was told that it was typical for someone my age (50) and signaled the start of menopause. I have never been sick in my life, never smoked, occasional drink and always ate right and took care of myself. I woke up May 10,2009 and went to pee like I do every morning. I did not have any insurance at the time. When I went to the ER they hospitalized me and told me that I had Salpingitis. Only days after my surgery thay had me running here, and there, and everywhere, for this test, and that test, leaving me no time to rest up from the surgery. Both doctors will have a phone consultation and then decide on what is next in my fight against cancer. 28, 2012. Brittany Waldrep died in the early morning hours of July 20, 2006, a couple of months before her 25th birthday. She started another round of chemo in Sep 2007 with doxil. That was never told to them. I waited two days for a sonogram and my bloodwork was done the next day. My mom, Felecia would want everyone to know that you have to keep fighting this beast until the fat lady sings. When I was first diagnosed with cancer my CA125 was over 900. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. On my fifth day hospitalized a young doc came to interview me and slipped up by mentioning something he thought my Gyn Onc had told me. My faith in God became stronger each day. It was so hard being able to talk to her on Monday and by Thursday she was gone. Will be taking CAT Scan after two more sessions. Just keep the faith, have a positive attitude, and make sure you feel comfortable with your healthcare team. God has restored a broken relationship and made it into a beautiful centerpiece of the Works of the Masters Hands. She sent Aaron home with more over the counter remedies. We three share that bond and nothing that has or may happen will ever take that from us. I let it go for a couple of weeks, and only after I developed a pain in my chest did I go to the doctor. She struggled to get examined by her neurologist who finally changed her meds over the phone. My right ovary had a tennis ball size cyst on it. This is a terrible cancer and it affects the entire family and my hearts go out to all of you who are in the same battle. D: (word games) I Am No Thing. I encouraged her to get a second opinion immediately. She went to be with Jesus on June 1, 2006 at age 63. I feel okay these days, except for a few other unrelated ailments, and am finally getting over the chemo. I was closely monitored for breast cancer and was getting yearly endometrial biopsies due to thickening caused by my use of Tamoxifin. She started complaining later that month that her stomach was bothering her. Please see my previous story - look for other entry from Joanne from NC. In the meantime her cancer appeared in her lymph nodes in her neck and upper chest area. Wonderful that my mom has had the care she deserves, the doctors in Illinois thought it smart not to do more debulking right away and go for more chemo. I received blood transfusions, and was sent home with iron and told again to rest. Well, size of the uterus was misdiagnosed and it was actually a tumor the size of a football. I do not worry much about the stage and stats on survival. She continued with her work in the garden and feeding her precious birds. All blood tests, CA-125 and ct scans are within normal range. My daughter is a gift from God and each day I thank Him for my beautiful child and for my treasured life. Despite knowing the fact of her end, she always motivated the inmates while in hospital. She told me the ultrasound showed a mass and asked me if I had been able to get an appointment with the Gyn. My gynecologist sent me to a gynecological oncologist for follow-up. 44. I am approaching my two year anniversary of my dianosis this week. Ball did biopsies from all around her chest cavity while he was in there and they all came back negative. I was scheduled on Sept. As the days passed I realized that this disease was for real, my mother went through extensive treatments including chemotherapy. When I went to see the doctor on Monday, it was supposedly for a bladder infection, but I did mention that I had a knot on my side. 28 days later I had a normal 7-day period. Anyway, there is light at the end of the tunnel for those of you going through the initial diagnosis, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery--it does all get better. They note the same 3cm that was on the CT scan in June. They did all the debalking, removed the omentum, appendix, removed lymph nodes and took several biopsies. I insisted maybe cancer, since my sister had vaginal cancer, and first cousin had vaginal cancer too. Also, rock climbing makes you feel as alive as surviving cancer does. Then we spent time at the hospital for a clot she had in her leg. In short, her gallbladder was fine, but her cancer had returned. cancer. I smiled at her and told her that I loved her. I know what causes ovarian cancer from my experience of living in a stachybotrys, mold infested, leaky building. Confirms it is a 6cm complex mass on the right ovary. She had been in the hospital for two weeks several months prior. She later passed away at the young age of 35 in 1991. Cancer was not on my mind or in my thoughts. To all who are suffering, you are not alone, so many suffer with you. So, four years later in January 2000 she went in for gallbladder surgery. She was a blessing in my life and I thank God for such an incredible mom. It took me a little while to get over my anger that this was not caught earlier as i had been to the doctor 3 months prior, talking of pain and discomfort. My story begins on a misty evening back in November 2008. She had one round of carbo and we will return April 23 for more treatments. I will be praying for all of you and your families. I thought she would beat it and everything would go back to normal. Mom, you continue to be my hero,idol,mentor, and most of all teacher. R. The only benefit of Lynch Syndrome is that it has a higher cure rate and longer time between recurrences, in general. After her stomach had swollen to the size of a woman who could have easily been eight months pregnant she went to a local family doctor. no vomitting or diarhera however, I took care of her very carefully. I tried not to think about what they might have found for the next couple of weeks. At the time of her diagnosis, I had NEVER heard of Ovarian Cancer. The only choices were watch and wait or get a lapriscopy remove the blurry ovary and possibly a full hysterectomy. where tehy live and went to Dr Ellis and had the regular chemo via needle for 3 weeks. I was so surprised. Ruth was slim, vibrant and active at age 60. My tumor marker continued to drop, 37, then to 26. it is genetic. Her primary care told her she was getting older and to slow down and that maybe it was her nerves. a. June 6, 20012 Back to get results from family dr. I had added fish oil, gingko biloba, biotin, multivitamin, and other things to my repertoire and it was a chore every day to take them all. I began my journey thinking that I would survive. She was tested just about everyday for just about everything from the time she was admitted to when she got out 2-3 months later. I just wish her cancer could have been cured. Im ready now for you my lord to turn to the next page. Had first lot of chemo treatment 17 November which consisted of two drugs Paclitaxel and Carboplatin. I felt a hard pea sized knot below her belly button. They sent the fluid off for testing, and sent her to a liver specialist. The rest of her story is a battle with many ups and downs. However, when I got diagnosed in July 2005 with endometrial, ovarian and bladder cancer, I did what everyone does: I fell apart. I take my dog walking around the property and exercise. I switched doctors in 20004 and I did not have a gyn at this time. After nearly 8 hours of surgery I was faced with the decision to tell my Mom. She also kept up on drinking energy drinks to help her stay alert. By April of 2012 Ca125 went up to 63 so had me wait till August it went up to 192. I owe it to the women who are much more worthy and much less lucky than I am. I read names, familiar names, some of whom have regrettably passed, and some who are hanging in there. Before my cancer was diagnosed, I tried Effexor (an antidepressant that helps with hot flashes). Her doctors at this time were not very aggressive with treatment and basically told her to quit drinking alcohol and quit eating canned food. My mom is the best. Her ObGyn told my mom that the CT Scan showed 8-10 inch mass and that it was attached to her ovary. So I was about to leave the er and my doc came by and stated that my x-rays were all clear. I underwent six rounds of chemo, which was four months ago, and my ca-125 is holding at a 9 and I am doing fine. When I lay down for the night I felt lumps under my belly regardless of where I moved my sleeping bag. It seems there really is no clear way to go to me. Three days later I was back in surgery this time they had to remove part of my colon and put a colostomy bag on, my whole abdomen area had tumors all over liver too. On April 27, 2005 my world as I knew it changed. I found out the meaning of life and love while fighting for my life. Without a word to anyone, I left work and went to the hospital. Fluid was also spilling into my abdominal cavity. Recovery has been good and I am being followed up closely. My sisters and my brother are all pitching in to care for them both, as we all have our own families, it has been a little crazy but we all know they would do the same for each and every one of us. When she arrived at her final nursing home, a lady told me to spend as much time with my Mom as I could. God bless all of you who are battling this desease. All seemed to go good the first round of chemo. I called the hospital and they thought that I was constipated too. I was not all that shocked when I heard the word Cancer, but the stage upset me. My hair is growing back now, and I love having eyelashes and eyebrows again. I got her comfortable and went into my room and turned up the baby monitor so I could hear her just in case. We had to wait for the results from pathology and my mom was out of the hospital by Saturday, June 19, 2004, leaving the hospital with a soccer ball signed by all of her visitors and a large vertical incision from a few inches above her bellybutton down to her pubic bone. I bought some lactaid to support my eating habits and felt better. Camping we even went to disney world she was sick but living me my mom and my dad living together even though she was sick we made the best. Except for occasional nausea, I had an uneventful pregnancy. The doctors told me it wa a cyst and it was on the left ovary. She has undergone 7 cycles (before operation 4 cycles and after operation 3 cycles) of chemotherapy from 22. In the ER I was given a CT scan, a pelvic exam and instructions to see my gynecologist for an ovarian cyst. My brain also got a litte foggy and often I forgot things. The technician told me they get a clearer picture that way. You can Google all kinds of information about the pathology and treatment of cancer but there is not much regarding the emotional side of cancer. Well, for me my life began at 52, when I met my wonderful husband and moved to England. In June 2007 during my routine six month check-up I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had a subsequent complete hysterectomy. If the ultrasound had not been done they may not have found the tumor which was attached to the colan wall thus causing the pain I was experiencing. With all the research and trials maybe we are well on our way to that being a reality. In the meantime, he prescribed Zantac for my acid reflux. She was officially diagnosed with ovarian cancer a month before she passed (which was September 2, 2006). But I am forced to come to terms with the fact that my mom who is also my best friend may lose this long battle. The intensity of the pain, and a massive lump on the left side of my abdomen. The next day I have to go in for a catscan. So I asked someone else at the er why I was hurting and they whispered in my ear that the doc was an ass and told me I had a big black spot on my lumbar spine. I am a 45 year old mother of 2 boys (age 4, and 6). I do have friends that offer their support, and I am glad for them. I went to my doctor and he ran test after test and could not find anything. Her pain continued to grow worse and was often unbearable. I was having regular endometrial biopsies and was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia. I have found that I really enjoy my own company now that I am not experiencing any of the uncontrollable rage and anxiety I felt before my surgery. It was, without a doubt, the longest weekend of my life. I felt great, had gotten all my energy back, was doing wonderful UNTIL. Stay away from reading negative things on line. Anyway, there is light at the end of the tunnel for those of you going through the initial diagnosis, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery--it does all get better. (NED) and CA125 has been below 15. Its size was crushing my lungs, and my right ovary was obliterated. you. So, my heart goes out to any of you, especially the very young, who have lost your mother. This is a treatment for this type of cancer where they heat several types of chemo to a high temp. He then sat down, and told me that there was another problem. Four months had passed by this time and I was doing alright on the chemo. After tests to see if I was having internal bleeding, because I was taking blood thinners due to blood clots in my lungs and one in my right leg. m. He said my blood work showed only slight of pre-menopause. This woman doctor carefully read my notes and noticed my family history of cancer. Message to R: The line has been kind of busy. I think this is the most anxious I have been through this whole journey so far. I still bowl, go to church, gamble, play cards, etc - everything I did before cancer struck. And I thank you for listening and being an outlet for my anxieties. I have an appt. Should we choose we might learn much based on these personal conversations. To my surprise, on July 27, 2007 I ended up going to emergency room in Bellvue Hospital where they detected a pelvic organ prolapse in which my muscles dropped severely. He said to me, that if I was his wife and we already had two children, that he would want me to have the surgery. I think something more has to be done to detect this cancer early. Women spend more time picking hair color at a salon or trying on clothes than they do caring about the inside of their bodies. My Doctor tells me there are many options for us. I was diagnosed stage 3C Aug. I am feeling a little under the weather but do not expect the worst for another 24-48 hours if I respond like I did before. My life seemed to be evolving into a stable, sane, and very happy life after an awful divorce and a number of years of re-establishing myself in both career and home. My hair is starting to grow and it seems strange after 18 months of baldness. All I worry about now is my weight, because I am heavy and have type II diabetes. The death of my beautiful mother was the most difficult experience of my life so far. Now she is in her third round of chemo with topotecan. My mom in the summer lives about 1 hour from me at a little lake house. My treatment was chemo and an operation that took 7 months. I brushed my teeth, washed up, got dressed as quick as I could. I had my routine physical with my OBYGYNE in the US in May 2009, and all test results were good. Growing up, I just expected her to always be there. Although the cancer had not spread to my uterus and fallopian tubes, an area of my pelvic sidewall where the tumor had touched it contained cancerous cells. I have not had a menstral cycle in several months. Yes that word stress that can either make you tired or just overworked and I fell in that category. The next day at 4 p. But the pain and fear increased so we called our nurse and we were able to move the surgery up. It says what she believed about death and wanted to share that with everyone. She used her rolling teacher chair as a walker to get around the classroom. During her battle, Patti always kept her wit and positive attitude. They said this was really rare but it happened. I never thought I would face something like this. I was bleeding for 10 and 15 days at a time, with it stopping for maybe 3-5 days in between. You do have to take charge of your own life. Since she was diagnosed with MS the year before, she thought she was having a flare-up and maybe needed her MS medication changed. ) said if his wife was going for (treatment) this is who he would send her to. The beautiful sounds of the morning bird singing in the wind. L: (upon my death) please thank everyone in our group. My husband and I live in Brady, TX, a small town with a population of 6000. Dr. In December Lea Ann developed a cough that would not go away. We all attributed her weight loss to all of this. She had gone to the bathroom and was to weak to get herself up from the toilet seat. What makes it so horrible is because it is silent, the symptoms whisper. as she was on maternity leave and all other drs. I wish all of you the very best and many healthy days to come. I was then given the Taxol and Carboplatin due to the fact that the doctor was unable to remove all of the cancer. I was surprised I was enjoying not only the good companies, but also the food when other survivors came to visit me. I was released after being in the hospital for 10 days. Going to ballgames with relatives, going shopping or out to lunch with friends, taking trips to New York to see friends from where she was from. I have 9 grandchildren that need me, friends that need me and family that need me and I need them. Then one night around the end of June 2005 I was laying in bed and felt a big knot in my right side. She went back to the hospital about 2-3 weeks later for a follow-up and it turned out there were cancer cells on the outside of her right ovary. Sometimes I find myself wondering why anyone must suffer as much as she has, but in the end we have had longer with her than some people are afforded. I had regular pap smears and pelvic examinations twice a year beginning in 1987 until 2000 with no irregular results. I want people to know that it is so important to be at a facility whose sole purpose is treatment of cancer patients. I had the hysterectomy and spend the following 7 days in hospital, on release I was told to give the gynecologist a ring a few days later. At this point, I do not know what is going on. The next morning I met with my doctor, she changed the chemo drugs and I had the chemo the next day. I would want to spend as much time as possible with my husband, son, and daughter. His recommendation was based on the idea it woul